Personal Narrative: Track

1274 Words3 Pages

Issam Alaraji

One, Two, Three, and bang I hear the pistol goes off. I start to run as fast as I can go from the fear of staying behind. I had to do that process every single week; I didn't really like it a lot; I was nervous and scared but I didn't stop I just kept on going. The training wasn't fun either I hated it. I was always tired and I was in pain most of the time. Track was something new for me; I wasn't the best at it but, my friends kept on pushing me to work harder and become better.

I joined track because my friends pushed me to do it. I thought I should do it because it was the first school sport I would join so I did. The first week of training started it was in spring break which I wasn’t that excited about but I went …show more content…

I never really got to answer that question I just kept on going. One thing that I really likes about track is that I met some new friends and also made my bond closer to the friends that I already had. As the training went on my friends were helping me and motivating me to do better but the person that pushed me the most was my couch and I had a lot of respect for him because he was the one that believed in me the …show more content…

Every single meeting that I went to I would come in last. I saw myself not getting better and I started to get sick so I started to think about quitting track. One day I thought about skipping track and I did it but that one day turned into a week. In that one week I felt really happy and I didn’t had worries about anything except that I was feeling guilty. The guilt that was going through my mind was that I gave up on the team and everyone that cared about me in there. The next week I went back to track. After we were done with practice I went to the coach and told him everything and why I didn’t show up to track. The coach wasn’t mad at me but he was proud that I didn’t quit the

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