Personal Narrative-The Life Of A Welder

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The Life of a Welder

I was introduced to welding by my father, he was trying to prepare me for my first year of ag mechanics at my high school. My father had me start with flux core which is a gasless wire to weld with, it’s one of the more difficult ways to wire weld. There for awhile I was getting very frustrated with my welding because I'm very competitive when it comes to doing something. After awhile I started to get better, once I figured out you had to knock off the outer cover which is very embarrassing to admit. And after I did that for a couple weeks and then, school started and I had to learn all the safety processes of welding.

Once we passed a safety test our ag teacher had us start on stick welding, well this was something I had no idea how to do so I had to ask my friends how to run the machine. Once I started doing that for awhile I got to move on to mig wire welding with gas, which is a luxury compared to stick and flux core. When I started to, do it, I couldn’t believe how easy it was to lay beads with. And a bead it what welders, call when they lay down a weld as practice. So using this process makes it easy because the gas pushing …show more content…

It really feels good to do something such as this for people. We started the project around the beginning of November and had to have it finished by the beginning of January for our first ag show to present the trailer. Doing this in that quick of a time is very difficult because you want everything to be perfect and have it done right. This is where I really started to get a skill in welding because I got a lot more patience in working with the welder and figuring out the best settings for certain thicknesses of metal so that the welds would have plenty of penetration and make sure the welds hold because the water tank on the trailer will weigh about forty-three hundred pounds full of

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