Personal Narrative: The Greek God

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It's August 18th, 2016, the crisp morning air, bright golden sun, and the aroma of all the fall flowers is mesmerizing. This is the day that my little Percy turns 23 years old. This is a day I've been waiting for, since Percy was able to hold a trident. This is the day that he gets to meet the Olympians. He meets my brother Zeus,"The Ruler of the Olympian Gods"(Tripp 605). Also, he gets to meet my wife Amphitrite. He also gets to meet his girlfriend's mother, Athena, "The virgin goddess of arts, crafts, and war,"(Tripp 115). He also finally gets to see me after 17 years. I am known as “the second most powerful god on all of Mount Olympians.” (Fisher 5), also known as “ god of the sea (and of water generally), earthquakes, and horses.”(Britannica 1) . I have a slight temper. I’m always either really …show more content…

He was right though, we used to fight like this with Hades before he was sent to the underworld. It was a test of power, as we used to call it, where we tried to win at games like volleyball and baseball. But, we never played in a place where one of us would get an advantage. We always let our mother choose, where we should go play. We made Zeus play with the opposite end of the bat when we played baseball because he was always stronger than both of us. Also, Hades and Zeus made it so when we went for a swim that I had to swim without moving the water to my advantage, i had to move it to their advantage while I swam because I was a faster swimmer than the both of them combined. I don’t even communicate with Aphrodite or Ares because Aphrodite used to be my love, but is also everyone else’s because she is the goddess of love. Also, Ares helped my enemy, Odysseus after he took out my son, Polyphemus’, eye. There was also a time where Athena helped Odysseus too. That’s why I don’t like Percy dating Annabeth, She also took the city of Athens from me. “Dad, is it time to open presents yet?” Percy

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