Personal Narrative: Standing Up For Myself

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“If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.” This is what I was thinking, the day I decided to stand up for myself. The day I decided to stop being someone else and start being me. Have you ever felt the need to do anything to belong? Well I have; being there done that all in the name of fitting in, till I realize that it doesn’t change a thing.
You see, back in Ibadan, Nigeria, I was nine when I started middle school, and the youngest in my class. Desperate to fit in somewhere, I did everything I could – from doing my classmates homework and quizzes to getting punished in their stead. The things I did were listless. Don’t blame me; I’m just an ignoramus trying to fit in. I tried mingling with them, but was always ignored. That didn’t ring a bell in my head that I wasn’t wanted. I still continued with my tactless act. When it got all stressful, since I had to do a lot of homework to do every day after school, I lagged behind in my school work. Foolish as I was, I thought they would understand, so I explained to them that I couldn’t help …show more content…

The sun was bright in the sky and birds on the trees were singing and humming happily. On getting to my classroom, a cold bucket of water was thrown at me; I was pushed and brutally beaten. My classmates told me that they put up with me because I helped them with their homework and since I didn’t anymore, I was just another prawn to them - a means to an end. After everything I’ve done for them, how could they do this to me? I thought these people were my friends, I thought they were on my side. But all these were just figments of my imagination. This incident brought me to my senses. I realized that I’ve always been alone and I was just a tool to them. I decided that I’m done with them. I reported them to the school authority and disciplinary actions were taken towards

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