Squirmy The Hero Wormy I jumped out of bed ready for his big day. I had been waiting a whole 365 days. I was having my birthday with my best friend Bill. We couldn’t wait. I just got a new soccer ball for his birthday. So we were going to the park with Beau my dog and Squirmy the wormy. I got all my stuff together and put it in my back pack. We walked down with Beau and Squirmy on his shoulder. I was so excited had a HUGE smile on my face and my eyes were wide open. Beau was jumping around like a mad kangaroo because he loves the park. Too too too to ti, too too too to ti, too too too to “Look there is a candy van”, I shouted. “Ohh cool”, Bill said with excitement. It looked so cool with all its colours. It was blue van with platters of the rainbow on it …show more content…
They looked at us gave us a wave. So we waved and smiled back. We kept on walking all the way to the park with Beau still jumping like crazy. So we got there put on my boots and got the soccer ball out. We kept on playing for hours on end. I was watching candy van a and it kept on going around the park looking at everyone they looked really suspicious. We decided to pack up and go home. We were just about to cross the road when the van came over to us “Hello”,said the man with adept voice “what would you like”. “Can I please have 6 strips of red liquorice”, I said. I could already taste it in my mouth. “Sorry we don’t have any left”, the other guy said “ would you like to see what we have”. “Yes please” I said “Just around the back”the guy said Something wasn’t right every candy van had red liquorice . I felt scared, so scared that I was gripping onto Bills arm like a koala gripping onto a gum tree. I looked at Bill and Bill looked at me and we knew something wasn’t right. He opened the doors and felt like it was in slow motion. He put his hand around my insanely big muscles and quickly but quietly chucked us into the back of the van. My heart sank, we screamed out
Excitement was felt in the air as the doors were opened and everything came into view,
This foreshadows the scene where Candy says to George, "We oughta let 'im get away.
He is fond of his dog even though it is old and smelly. Candy had that
In the movie, this part of the story takes place a couple of days after the dog has been shot. Candy overhears and quickly offers up his money to help with the dream. (DVD) In the book, the event happens on the same night as the shooting of the dog, when the emotions of the characters are still raw and on edge. The other men have left the bunkhouse and George and Lennie begin to talk about their future plans. In the film version, Candy is visible in the background, but in the book he is not mentioned as the other two men talk to each other. The reader, as well as George and Lennie forget Candy is in the room until ask if George knew of a place. The text says that he was excited and eager when he speaks (56). It describes how he sat up on the edge of his bunk. He had just lost his only friend, but now here was an opportunity to not be alone. Here is a chance for him not to be lonely. He is so desperate for that, that he is offering every penny he has in the world plus his future earnings to a couple of strangers. He knows this is his only chance. "You seen what they done to my dog tonight? They says he wasn 't no good to himself nor nobody else. When they can me here I wisht somebody 'd shoot me. But they won 't do nothing like that. I won 't have no place to go, and I
what else they were up to. They stared back at me. For once I had
aiding others in their power struggle. Candy is only seen for his age, which is a sign of
So as I was obsessively looking over all the Roadside Attraction trailers, I noticed that Candy kept sticking out and I think that she’s going to be important in this episode.
shows Candy’s guilt in allowing a stranger to kill something he cared for dearly, Candy later
paid for the items, collected the bags and was about to leave the store when the blaring siren went off.
We sat there for a few more minutes then I got up and yelled for everyone to get ready to start moving again. I donned my pack and tightened the straps, and after making sure everyone else was ready, started off down the winding trail to the night’s campsite.
This day held an a very memorable event in my life that I will never forget. All the excitement and anxiety I felt this day will not be
It was June 24th I was so filled with excitement and joy as I waited
Everything makes sense now. The candy shop isn’t in fact a candy shop. It’s a paradise- like place, but not quite. It is where people stay between heaven and hell as they seek for answers before they go to their respective places.
So I decided to take a short cut back to my house just as I always do
home as possible. Using the money I had on me, I took a train to