Personal Narrative: Solving The Foreclosure Crisis

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I was a home owner who lost a home to foreclosure in 2011. I purchased a home for my brother who is learning disabled. Initially when I bought the home for him he had a roommate and knew he needed to keep the roommate to make the payments. After about a year, his roommate moved out and I had to pick up the remaining $600.00 which was very hard to do. I was able to make the payments for about 3 years but then I could no longer afford it. I was in the middle of a modification with Wells Fargo, they had all of my paperwork, I was npv positive. They denied me on Tuesday and foreclosed on Wednesday!! Which now is illegal per CA HBOR. The realtor who came to evict my brother lied to him. He came to the home at 9:30pm and told my brother that he had to move. This was untrue. He had only purchased the home he had not evicted my brother. My intentions were to fight the foreclosure, but the realtor offered my (learning disabled) brother $3,000.00 to move out now. Which is my brother were not diabled he might have thought, If I have to move out, why are you paying me. Anyway, this home was supposed to make sure my brother was never homeless. Now he has no home and of course has spent the $3,000.00. …show more content…

i would make sure the homeowner has the ability to make the payment and would probably stick to a much lower

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