Personal Narrative: Priming Is Often Memoryless Memory

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As I watched the video, and as I listened to him say the words. Once I wrote them down I could not seem to remember most of them, and I wasn’t sure if he had actually said the words or not. I found myself scribbling words out and rewriting them. As Stated in the book, “Priming is often “memoryless memory”---invisible memory, without your conscious awareness,” (Myers, 2014, p. 287). Like I was stating before when I was writing and rewriting the words I found myself writing down sleep and then marking it out. I wrote down dream, doze, and awake, but because of these words I associated it with the word sleep. That is how I found myself writing it down, and I came to find out that that was not a word he had said, which is how priming ties in with

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