Personal Narrative: My Journey Of A Genealogist

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For Christmas we put up a tree. We open some presents on Christmas Eve. We open our stockings and more presents. We have a Christmas lunch, we have my grandma’s cheesy potatoes, and my aunt Trisha brings honey ham. Genealogy means to me a life full of knowing who you are. Our heritage is important because, we have a way of living developed by a family and passed on from generation to generation. This paper is going to be my journey of being a genealogist. To begin with, genealogists research family history. First I talked with family, I talked with my dad, and he has a lot of family history. Mrs. Michaelson talked about how people in different places say some words differently. Mrs. Michaelson brought in Tom Munson from the Sioux City museum, he talked about his family tree. The internet sight I used was Ancestry Classroom. …show more content…

My last name is Stoos, there is a place in Switzerland called Stoos. Stoos is a village located in the town of Morschach. It lies at 1,300 meters in the Swiss canton of Schwyz, and has about 100 residents. It is used as a small ski resort with a cable car leading to the Fronalpstock a restaurant. Following this, my middle name is Morgan and that was my grandma’s last name. Also, some road blocks I had was I could not find any details for Emile Schuh. The first year I was on an Iowa census was when I was born in 2005, and I was on a U.S census was in

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