I have been wearing glasses for as long as I can remember. I got my first pair of glasses, which were Barbie of course, back when I was in grade 3. Glasses are not only a necessity for those of us who have blurry vision, but also a fashion statement. They spice up your look within seconds! However, finding the perfect pair of glasses is not easy. You need to figure our your head shape, skin tone, try on all kinds of frames and then go through a process of elimination. Since glasses are so strong in your appearance, they need to be something you are comfortable with. As the year is coming to a close, I have been on the hunt for a new pair of eyeglasses myself. But, eyeglasses are not cheap. They really do leave your wallet bare. Nonetheless,
with Warby Parker there are amazing frames for a fraction of the price. This post isn't something I normally write about, but Warby Parker is a brand that everyone should know about! As some one who is an active global citizen, I found it amazing that their glasses are not just high-quality and super cute, but they also socially conscious. About 2.5 billion people around the world are in need of glasses but don’t have access to them, meaning millions of people cannot effectively learn or work which adds to the cycle of poverty and lack of opportunities. To help address this problem, Warby Parker partners with non-profits like VisionSpring to ensure that for every pair of glasses sold, a pair is distributed to someone in need. They call this program the Buy a Pair, Give a Pair program. Up until now, they have given away 3 million pairs of glasses around the world which as empowered adults with training opportunities to administer basic eye exams and sell glasses for ultra-affordable prices and has helped school-age children in their classrooms. On December 5th, Warby Parker is introducing their new collection called Resort. This eyeglasses and sunglasses collection, is taking glasses from being geek to chic! The Resort Collection is the evolution of mixed materials: rich acetates paired with hints of glimmering metal. They are lean and practically float on the face. From certain angles, onlookers will notice a glinting and elegant metal inlay giving you a personal luxurious touch. This is style so personal it’s almost private.
Myopia is defined as nearsightedness, which exists when the refractive elements of the eye (cornea and lens) place the image in front of the retina. The myopic condition is common in infants but generally levels off to normal vision as the infant ages (Vander & Gault, 1998). Myopia occurs in about 25% of the adult U.S. population. Many adults use corrective lenses or contacts to correct their myopic vision to 20/20 vision (Drexler et al., 1998). Many people find contacts or glasses hindering in their personal and/or professional lifestyle. For example, military pilots cannot wear glasses while flying and some firemen may find glasses too dangerous to wear during a rescue attempt. There is refractive surgery available to correct myopic eyes, like Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK). Why do people have myopia, what can be done to correct myopia, and what are the results of corrective surgical procedures? These are a few questions that will be addressed and analyzed.
The moment when my ballet teacher, Olga, declared that I was ready to go en pointe was a moment I would remember. We were in the studio, looking at our reflection in the mirror and standing at the ballet barre.
Though you may be looking for the Lasik surgery procedure to get rid of those irritating glasses and lenses, you should always attempt to make informed decisions. Over the years, thanks to the rapid advancement, Lasik procedure has become safer with lesser side-effects.
You can find almost any glasses you want in the market, like well known big brand glasses, or glasses with reasonable price, or several pairs for cheap price in online as well as in stores. But the question is can you find prescription glasses with good quality, good price and plus fashionable? Even though competition is very high, Warby Parker has strong competitive advantage. Warby Parker design differentiate from others by its unique vintage style, color specifically tailored for urban young generation. Also Warby Parker can offer a cheap price for good quality eyeglasses, because they manufacture eyeglasses themselves and there is no middle man cost.
As humans age, they frequently develop a condition known as presbyopia. This condition decreases the person's ability to focus sharply on those object which are nearby and is the result of the lens of the eye hardening. In addition, astigmatism requires a person wear prescription eyeglasses and/or contact lenses. Astigmatism arises when the curvature of the eye is irregular. The eye is normally shaped liked a soccer ball or basketball. With astigmatism, it takes on a more oval shape and resembles a football. Due to the irregular curvature, the eye processes light differently and leads to blurred vision. The degree of blurriness is determined by the degree of
When it comes to sustaining physical health and well-being, routine eye care often gets overlooked. All too often, patients never consider going to an eye clinic and meeting with a reputable eye doctor until they find themselves suffering from some type of vision impairment. However, regardless of age and current physical condition, proper and consistent routine eye care is a critical component ensuring an individual's holistic health for a host of reasons.
Do you have an old pair of glasses you’re never going to use again? If you have any thoughts of throwing them away… STOP and read this essay. I believe if you donate your old glasses to charity, people from all over the globe (especially in developing countries) will be able to have a crystal-clear view of their surroundings.
A lens is an optical device that transmits or refracts light. Eyeglass lenses are glass or plastic items that are placed inside eyewear frames in order to correct the wearer’s vision. More than 80 percent of all eyeglasses worn today are plastic lenses. The glass lenses were popular in the 1945 until the plastic lens was introduced in 1952. Convex and concave lenses are known as spherical lenses. Convex lenses were the first lenses used to correct vision problems. They are used to correct hyperopia (farsighted vision). These lenses are thicker in the middle than at the edges. Concave lenses are used to correct nearsightedness. This is a condition that makes people see things that are close to them but struggle to see things far away. Concave lenses are curved inward like the inside of a spoon.
Web. The Web. The Web. 23 May 2014. http://youreyesite.com/eye-care/bifocal-glasses-multifocal-lenses/>.
It is incredible to understand how the way someone was nurtured as a child could have such an effect on there adulthood. I personally believe that the events that occurred in my early childhood were stepping stones to defined me as the person I am today.
People usually buy high index eyeglasses because of their aesthetic appeal. They don't produce the bug eye or beady eye effect, and their thinness makes them compatible with a wide variety of stylish frames.
The creation of the first wearable pair of eyeglasses is credited to Salvino D'Armate in Italy around the year 1284 (Bellis). Despite numerous improvements made to this original model, the eyeglasses remained an elementary piece of technology that provided the sole form of vision correction at that time. This was the case century after century. Leonardo da Vinci left us with the first sketches and descriptions of contact lenses in 1508 (CLC). The credit for developing the first corneal contact lens is given to Dr. Thomas Young in 1801. He created a one quarter inch long glass tube filled with water which had a microscope lens fitted on the end (Hartstein). It wasn’t until the late 19th century, however, that the first crude, but tolerable pair of contact lenses were introduced (CLC). Since this first medieval pair, the contact lens has been improved upon time after time. From the introduction of using plastics in contact lens production to the soft, gas permeable, daily wear, disposable lens...
Astigmatism is not an uncommon eye problem, since a large number of people wearing glasses may have this problem to a lesser or greater degree. There are cases when astigmatism is an isolated eye condition, but still, it is not unusual for it to appear combined with other refractive errors mentioned above.
Blurred vision is among the most typical signs that you should have immediate attention coming from an vision expert. If you can't see nicely from a distance and you have difficulty in reading despite having your glasses on, you better get your eyes evaluated.
To begin, the structure of the Google Glasses is so that it is wearable and convenient for the user to wear at all times. The frame of the Glasses overall is very light and the bridge rest can be adjustable to the users comfort. It runs on a lithium polymer battery that runs on a capacity of 2.1 watt-hours that lasts abou...