Personal Narrative: My First Baby

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March 28 2012 at 5:00 pm I was in the hospital for five and a half hours. It had that disgusting hospital smell. I hate the smell. I was with my sister, my cousin Ellie, my aunt, and mom . The reason I was at the hospital was my aunt Jackie was in labor. I was so excited. She was the going to be my first girl cousin and the first cousin on my mom's side. We were in the middle of our favorite show. And we were kind of expecting it but we didn't think it would happen that day. My aunt was one week past her due date. We were all so anxious but when it happened we were very excited. we were scared because my aunt was so little. Not by age just by size, and it was her first baby. After we figured out the baby was finally ready to come …show more content…

While I Was waiting the nurse , The one who said I was to young to go in , she came in to talk to me and she told me why I couldn't go in. Because it was a health risk for the baby. So that kind of made it so I wasn't that mad. When the nurse left my aunt's boyfriend was coming out of the baby bed thing that they have in hospitals. he brought my cousin to the window there she was in a little pink blanket. There was a little note beside her that said her name Dezeria Dawn Gonzales,it also said that she was 9 pounds. I was still upset that I didn't get to hold her. But I got it, because it was for her health so I realised it was for the best for me not to go in there . But I was happy too because I had my first girl cousin she was the first girl for 2 generations . And she was beautiful, she had a full head of hair! She looked just like her momma. At That time I was really mad thought it was so stupid . But now that it's been 4 years. I have noticed that I was there when she was born. and got to experience knowing I was there when she was she took her first breathes. And I Should have just enjoyed the time being there. Instead of being mad at the

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