Personal Narrative: How My Church Changed My Life

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The voices of the choir danced through the church as I stood there in my button up, denim jeans, and dress shoes. My ten year old self would come to find myself in this very same get-up sunday after sunday listening to some old man preach about the actions people made a couple thousand years ago.
Despite all the rambling I heard as a child I never absorbed any of what my pastors were spewing out of their mouths. As I grew older i began participating in things such as youth group as expected by me from my peers and parents. I believe i was 13 years old at the time I began helping around my church either by helping build scenes and set up tables for events. I forged many friendships through this but I felt like i was missing something. I had spent so much time in that church that I knew everybody and everybody knew me but I felt out of place and this feeling would always linger in the background. …show more content…

I can still recall the busride pretty well, I sat near the back reading a good book while chaos was unleashed near the front. While we were in the camp we’d go tubing down slopes, roast marshmallows and relax. Of course every afternoon some “motivational speaker” would come and talk to us and every other visiting church about god. At the time I was really confused where I stood with god, I understood the bible and its teaching and I even still have some of Jesus’ stories memorized, nonetheless I still questioned my belief in some divine angelic ruler. Confused and distraught I sought my youth leader for advice on the matter. They Pulled me aside and we had a discussion about god and “your role in his god's ultimate plan”. After our extensive chat I had a revelation, one very different from what I

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