Personal Narrative: Homelessness

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Yesterday I read about a chinese boy who was hit by a car. The driver paused, assessed the situation, and moved on. for 60 minutes the boy stayed in the concrete floor, without anyone caring about the situation. First I fell petrified by the video I saw, but then a fusion between anger and disappointment was brought to me: Is not the life of this boy important at all ? what kind of thing passed in the mind of the people who saw the boy and disregarded as another pile of trash in the street? while I cannot provide and answer, and I must noticed that sometimes I have tend to use this same behavior. I have learnt to become aware of any problem, form the simplest to the the most important. Every day in my way to school, I had to cross a street where homeless people, not the kind of homeless that are having a bad financial situation, but the ones that are struggling with drugs, have established. In the absence of a place to live, The harsh and cold concrete streets has served as their beds. the odor in that street is indescriptible, even now I still remember the sour smell, a combination of rotten fruit and shit . …show more content…

I, like the majority of the people, have always dismissed these people with indifference, even hate. But now I have started to see their plight: in an absence of a comprehensive society and agonizing on their on poverty and desolation, they are unable to get out of that sad

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