Personal Narrative: Hidradenitis Suppurativa

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I remember it all as if it was yesterday. I woke up one morning with a bump in my groin, not sure what it was. I went to the doctor and one said it was an ingrown hair and would resolve itself, another told me it was nothing and it was not anything to worry about. A few days later it grew bigger and became painful. I hated going to the doctor more than anything. After seeing all sorts of medical professionals and being told I just had to live with it. That was not the answer I wanted to hear. I was fourteen years old that had clothing restrictions. No tight clothes and breathable material. That is not an easy task in high school when all I was worried about is how I looked. Almost a year later, I found one individual that has changed my life completely. Her name is Monica Dziesinski, PA-C. She believed me that something was wrong. It was something that needed to be treated. She did not like the fact that previous doctors told me I had to just live with it. She reassured me that she stood behind me and would find all the help I needed to get a solution for this. She was not familiar to this condition so she referred me to surgeons and an OB GYN whom later sent me down to the University of Michigan Hospital. I was then diagnosed with Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS). There the doctors found a solution that I still use to this day to help control the lumps and pus drainage. …show more content…

These lumps can be painful and drain. HS common in areas where skin rubs together. It could also last as short as a few years or up to a

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