Personal Narrative: Feeling Like An Outsider

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OUTSIDER I feel like an outsider or an alien is something that is not native to where ever they are. An outsider to me is someone who doesn’t fit into any type of social group and has very little to no social contact. I have felt like an outsider many a times. I can give you an example. The first day of summer school when I got here I didn’t know anyone and I felt like an outside like I didn’t belong here because everyone else was older and knew each other. I felt awkward around them and I didn’t really socialize with them. I still on day three of summer school barely talk to any of them they all just seem to be annoyed with me because I am younger or something? Another time I felt like an outsider was when I first left for treatment. When I first got to BHC I was scared and anxious about being there and trying to start out new there. I started to get to know people after the 3 day. I started to adjust and made the best out of it. I hated it being their, until the last month I was there and then I really started to realize that this place was here to help me not torture me. Then I was thankful to have gone through the program. …show more content…

I moved here to Worland about 2 years ago. I moved here in the summer. I went in the first day of school and didn’t know anyone so I kept to myself and went to my classes. The next day I started to talk to some people and started to get to know them. After the first week I stared to feel right at home and was warming up to people. I feel like an outsider sometime, but I mean almost everyone at least once in their life feels like an outsider. Being an outsider is never a bad thing. I only mean that you aren’t comfortable with the environment yet and that can take a few days for you to ajust. After that though you should start to feel

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