Personal Narrative Essay On Racism

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Imagine a world where everyone looked and talked the same, a world where there was no culture, and all people did was the daily essentials and nothing else. Well there are times when I think when people are racist that’s what they really want, for there to be one race and one color and that’s it. In my opinion that’s boring way to live life, when we were created by the creator we were meant to look different from each other have, have different cultures, and have respect for one another when we don’t all look alike. Racism is not something people are born with, it’s not something you inherit from your ancestors, racism is thought. Usually people learn to become racists either form their parents or there friends and where they grew up. Nelson Mandela once said “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to …show more content…

I have heard people say “I am not racist, I don’t see color” that’s is what a person says when they don’t really want to talk about the subject. Everyone should and do see color, what makes a person racist is not seeing color, what makes a person racist is not seeing the color as it is or seeing a color as something less than another race. Sometimes it is amazing how a person can not see someone’s personality or their true character because the color of their skin. People need to start realizing how stupid racism is, our society has come to the point where we don’t go by common sense and instead we complicate things. We should all do the simple thing and respect and honor each race as it is. And know that racism is taught which means we can also learn to love one another. Also we don’t have to agree with each other’s opinions, we just have to learn to respect each other’s

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