Personal Narrative Essay: Caught In A Riptide '

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Caught in a Riptide Whoosh! A phenomenal wave flew over my head, pulling me down with it. Next to me, to pull me back up was my brother, Matthew. Whoosh! Then came another wave, dragging me down again. My brother pulled me up once more. At that point I could see the haven-like shoreline becoming more distant; however, I was only ten at the time and did not understand why I was being pulled further away from it. I did not realize it at the moment, but a riptide had caught me. For spring break of 2011, my family decided to go to California on vacation. Matthew served his mission there, and he wanted to show us Southern California. Of course, since the closest we had ever been to a beach was Jefferson Lake in Rigby, the first thing we set out to do upon landing in Los Angeles was locate a beach on the ocean. We parked our rental van at Manhattan Beach and ran to the clear water. The cool water felt very refreshing on a warm spring day; however, anything over 50 degrees felt warm to our family who had traveled from the icy Idaho weather. My dad and we five kids waded out to where the water reached my belly button. My mom stayed on the beach. Those of us in the water splashed each other, at moments sucking in some of the salt water. To me, it tasted as if someone had poured gallons of table …show more content…

Divine intervention, a miracle, or just mere luck, it was; I was just grateful to be alive. Death had seemed so near, but life pulled out the victory. I felt the grainy California sand against my skin. No movement seemed necessary; it was perfect enough just to breathe in the humid air that moments earlier I had so dearly craved, and nearly lost. Still, in shock, I spread out on the sand like a beached whale. My mother laid next to me in tears, muttering, “I thought I lost you.” She was not the only one who thought I would die; I was the

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