Personal Narrative: Creating My Health Plan

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Now that I have presented some terms from the class reading I will use them in creating my health plan. As being the director of strategic planning my main goal would be to encourage healthy behavior within the metropolitan area in which would help reduce tobacco use among the residents. The way I would promote healthy behavior is by creating various of small programs in the metropolitan area that would give the opportunity for the individual to seek guidance to stop the use of tobacco and make them realize how terrible it’s to take part in smoking to encourage them to live longer. In the programs it will present alternative methods to quite using tobacco and demonstrate demographic statics based on age, gender, and race of how many lives have …show more content…

There are in total of 30% resident that are insured by the large companies they work for, but for the rest of the residents I would present the option of Medicaid. In result of having Medicaid presented all of the consumers would have equal amount of opportunity to gain the proper help in a community-based effort. In reference of avoiding co-payments for the consumers with Medicaid that’s where policy entrepreneur would be utilized in hope of reforming the cost method in which would bring reimbursement for the consumer that were required to have an transactions of co-payments. Moreover, as having the opportunity to examine other countries such as Canada, France, and Germany I would use their health system, NHI would work best for the United States. The reason why this healthcare system would work best is because of their payroll tax method it would raise prices among tobacco and prevent the resident from purchasing it. In terms of visually seeing how my health plan would be affected to the consumer is by using the population

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