Personal Narrative: Childhood Swimming

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I was 8 years old when I realized for the first time what it was that I truly wanted to accomplish. My desire was to swim even better than everyone else on the team. The first swim meet of the season had finished and all I could think about was how cool all of the older kids were, It was very evident to everyone that the older kids were the best and they always got the most attention. I knew that as I got older swimming would become easier and easier, however what was unclear was the fact that I would become a state champion. Five years later I pulled up to a summer practice, something was out of the ordinary this afternoon. Instead of normally hanging out with the swimmers and making a quick chat with us before practice started they were …show more content…

Everything was on schedule and I was ready. The previous years of my life training for this moment would not be spent in vain. My event was called and as I entered the pool deck all I could hear were people cheering and shouting. As the heat before me dove in everything else faded, the shouts and screams of the fans became a faint sound in my ears as I quickly stretched and prepared to step up to the block. As the last person finished I quickly looked into the stands and caught a glimpse of my parents faces. They were smiling and yelling my name along with many other people surrounding them. As the whistle blew to step up I could feel the adrenalin pumping viciously threw my veins. Since this was the finals, and the fastest heat, all of our names were announced over the speaker. As the head official announced my name I knew this was it. This is what I had dreamed of as young swimmer, this was my goal, and absolutely nothing could stop me now. The buzzer went off. My start felt like no other, the sheer force of my calf muscles throwing me off the block and propelling me through the air simply felt amazing. As I raced down the pool it was almost like I was a feather blowing in the wind. It felt so easy but I could feel the power of my body pushing through the water. Coming back the second length I was so far ahead there was nobody even in my peripheral vision. As I smashed into the touch pad concluding my finished, I threw my head up to look

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