Personal Narrative: Castle Bravo

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I grew up most of my life, having been fortunate enough to skirt by with no major tragedy. My parents were still alive, I barely knew my grandparents. Hell, the worse pain I felt was the death of my family dog, Turk. I loved that dog; I still think of the early morning and late nights, I spent with him, pretending he understood my teenage angst as he laid on my bed. I was a good Christian; raised to believe that God was there to protect me, and for the most part, I believed it. Why else would I live so long with no major heartbreak. All that being said, I think it really puts into perspective the events of the night. My daughter Madeline was out with her friends, eating something I’m sure I will see on my bank statement tomorrow. We try to …show more content…

I quickly thought, who would be calling our home phone at this time? It’s definitely too late for any family or friends, and if it was Maddie, she would’ve reached us on our cellphone. I began to worry, it rang twice before either of us acknowledged it out loud. Ted wanted me to forget it, but I knew this wasn’t an ordinary call. I reach for the phone, ignoring my horny husband in the background and answered. Castle Bravo did more than destroy aquatic life, the island of Rongelap resided 115 miles east from ground zero of the explosion. Tiny particles of debris, carried over hundreds of miles by winds, rained down on this island. Two days after the explosion, the island was fully evacuated. Even so, thousands of inhabitants were suffering from late staged of radiation poisoning. Do you know what death by radiation poisoning is like? Some say it’s the worst way to die, slow and agonizing. Those that did not die, returned 3 years later, only having to leave again because the site was still unsafe. All this to say, even if you survive the initial blast, the fallout will still get you. “Hello?” I sheepishly stated. “Yes, is this the mother of a Madeline Biehn? There’s been an accident; your daughter Madeline was hit by an automobile, she’s currently in

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