Personal Narrative Analysis

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When I think of my childhood one of the main parts that sticks out is eating at the dinner table with everybody talking and sharing about their day. But I was always interested about my Dad’s day at work; who works as a Sonographer down in Massachusetts. As a little girl, I would always be asking him fifty questions. Wanting to know what he had seen that day at work, hoping that it was going to be something cool or bizarre. Things that you would never see in you everyday life. Of course he would most likely respond with “nope just an average day,” but when he did say that he had seen something really interesting such as conjoined twin or another type of a congenital deformity that day I just found it amazing that he had seen something …show more content…

Adults would often call me wise beyond my years, putting peers before myself, never selfish to strangers and always willing to give a helping hand to others. The helping quality really came out of me during my middle school years where I found myself enjoying mentoring younger children in the elementary school and participating in community service acts such as soup kitchens. Nothing feels better than putting a smile on a persons face. The impact of a smile always might seem small to some but lets me know that the caring act is truly appreciated which always puts a smile on my …show more content…

Which career would be the best fit. It also caused anxiety, for myself. I didn’t want to pick a path that I absolutely ended up hating. I knew I wanted something in the health field to be able to help people, but the question was which one best suited me. The more I thought about it, the easier it became, narrowing down my interests into one specific field, imagery. I thought a career that had these attributes was perfect for myself, hands on, interactive, visual and never boring. It was such a relief and exciting that all along what I was looking for was right before me all my life, I would follow in my father’s footsteps in the health field.

Of course when I told my Dad that I was going to be picking a career in the imagery field, he wanted to make sure that I was absolutely positive about this decision that I was going to make. He offer to take me to work and shadow one of his staff. While shadowing I was absolutely intrigued, it was like a whole other world. I noticed that each patient had their own personality and needs. Each patient was unique, some anxious about the findings of their exam. I saw hands on how a confident and caring voice put them at

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