Personal Development Of Huckleberry Finn

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Within life, environment, social interactions, and independent decisions all influence development and growth. Influential figures plays a very important role when the loss of innocence occurs. The influential figure could lead to the the vanishing of innocence. Influential figures could also lead to the protection of such innocence. Huckleberry Finn, originally alone and with nobody to care about, acts as a brash, close-minded, and immature boy. Through social interactions and life experiences with other individuals, Huckleberry Finn develops a friend and learns to know what comes with friendship. Robinson points out the fact that though Huckleberry Finn goes against the odds and puts his own safety at risk, his bravery does not waver: “Huck …show more content…

Huckleberry Finn develops a sense of grace throughout the novel as he meets more people and begins to form relationships with them. He realizes that others have troubles and he begins to attempt to improve others’ conditions. "Huck decides to risk his own well-being for the well-being of the Wilks girls" (Camfield 108). Huckleberry Finn ages dramatically in a span of merely a few months. Huckleberry Finn begins to interpret his surroundings in a more mature method which in turn promotes a new personality development in the young boy. Huckleberry Finn begins to consider others not only as a means to use, but as individuals who can support and make Huckleberry Finn’s life better. Huck not only puts himself at risk for the sake of others, but he does so while expecting nothing in return. Huckleberry Finn’s risks leads to dangerous situations which he must think through properly or face consequences. As a young boy, Huckleberry Finn lacks the feeling of constant safety and reassurance due to the lack of a parental figure who does everything for their offspring. Huckleberry Finn also has the grace to recognize poor treatment of another individual: “Well, if ever I struck anything like it, I’m a nigger. It was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race” (Twain 176). Huckleberry Finn must face the reality that he has a rare ability to see past flaws and appearance. The ability to see inside a person provides individuals with the ability to see reality and look past appearances which can deceive with little difficulty. Huckleberry Finn realization that he possess a skill few people in society do brings him to the reality that many people only view appearance and therefore possess a certain ignorance he will never have. Huckleberry Finn’s ability to look for kindness and to wish for kindness rather than to look for appearance and to think of himself proves his loss of vanity and self

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