Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Essay

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Performance enhancing drugs in sport should not be tolerated and should be illegal.
The taking of these performance enhancing drugs isn't fair, we’re encouraging youth (teens) to take these drugs and it can have dramatic health risks weather it is short term or long term.

Performance enhancing drugs in sports such as the commonly known steroids give the consumer an unfair advantage on rival competitors. Is it really fair if one athlete who has the financial means to buy these products has an advantage due to that and not his natural raw talent? If drugs in sport are aloud then it won't really be a competition on who can create and afford the best drugs and not the untampered skill that these athletes who train for thousands of hours genuinely possess.

If we allow drugs in sport what is it teaching the youth (teens) of society? Is it telling them that you don't have to work hard to become an athlete and that …show more content…

Many drugs have harmful effects on the human body. These may not be visible until many years into the future but when discovered can lesson the quality of life in later years and can even send you to a premature death. An example of this is a bodybuilder who went by the name of Zyzz who was idolized by many kids and teens. It is a known fact that he took performance-enhancing drugs in which put much stress on his body contributing to his death at 22 years of age.

To conclude performance-enhancing drugs give an unfair advantage, are harmful to athletes and give a bad message to the upcoming generation. If we allow performance enhancing drugs in sport then we have lost the real meaning of competition. It is designed to show off how hard someone has worked and we admire that. With the introduction of these drugs we should really be giving praise to the scientists not the

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