Pepsi Lipton Case

1980 Words4 Pages


PepsiCo selected Brisk Iced Tea as one of three brands that would advertise during the 2011 Super Bowl, which would be the first mainstream ad for Brisk since 2002. Brisk recognized the Super Bowl TV spot as an opportunity to introduce its brand to young millennial males and Hispanics through a viral advertising campaign. Brisk needed to choose an integrated advertisement campaign that would create positive word-of-mouth buzz for its brand within the targeted customer segments.


The Company

In 1996, Brisk introduced a memorable advertising campaign that used the phrase “That’s Brisk Baby!” incorporating claymation characters and stories. The product from Brisk was a ready to drink tea targeted at young adults, who were seeking a caffeinated, cold, and flavorful substitute for soda. Positioned as a value brand with a personality, Brisk offered 6 flavors for 99 cents in a 1liter bottle or can, yet market research showed that consumers thought the drink was artificial, sugary, and sweet. In 2002, Brisk retired claymation advertising and did not promote its brand in mainstream advertising until the small “Make your Mark” promotion. By 2010, Brisk lagged far behind its rivals with a non-existent online presence in social media. With the 2011 Super Bowl ad as its launching point, Brisk wanted to reintroduce its brand as one with an attitude that embodied edge, coolness, and ability to provide energy.

The Customers

Brisk’s identified that the targeted market segments of millennial males and Hispanics, who desired caffeine without the sacrifice of coldness and flavor. Hispanics were the largest minority group and comprised 20% of the millennial demographic. 75% of the millenials were single, another 75% ...

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... back to school alignment. The word of mouth effect would be stronger in this time frame because of first day of classes dialogues (catch up dialogues) would be more prevalent and the probability to discuss entertaining social media would be higher.

Brisk developed an iconic brand in the late 1990s and the legacy would be easier to revive than to recreate. Therefore, Brisk should take advantage of its history to propel itself towards the future. With an established marketing plan for the year, Brisk would be able to inform the millennials and Hispanics why Brisk would be an expression of self and carry the momentum to develop a powerful online presence within the social media arena.

Exhibit 1 – Dollar Sales and Market Share Growth of RTD Tea Brands
(Source: Pepsi-Lipton Case)

Exhibit 2 – Comparison of Advertising Campaigns

Exhibit 3 - Timeline

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