Pepper Gwartz Why Is Everyone Afraid Of Sex Analysis

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Pepper Schwartz opens Why is Everyone Afraid of Sex? with "In spite of the visibility of sex in the media and popular culture, despite a widespread acceptance of a variety of sexual practices, Americans still hold a deep-rooted fear of sex." (252) Schwartz then goes on to explain the surprising, but obvious truth. American society portrays a sexual attitude, but is actually hiding a fear of the activity. Schwartz does a great job of showing both sides of this argument. She mentions how sex seems to no longer be a completely taboo thing within the media and society today. Within television, magazines, articles, movies, etc, sexual themes are all over the place. Another factor is that premarital sex is becoming more and more acceptable these …show more content…

These five factors include: religious tradition, double standards, STDs, cultural expectations, and ostracism for not being masculine enough. (258) When first reading the title of this article, I was confused on how one could be frightened by such a natural act. After reading these five factors, I can understand where Schwartz is coming from. The religious tradition plays into the disapproving of homosexuality and also sex before marriage, which explains why some people may fear sexual activity. Double standards gives reasoning for women to be fearful of embracing their sexuality due to the fact that they will most likely be ridiculed by their society for being too open or too in touch with their sexuality, while men are free to do as they please. Today, some people still find women in touch with their sexuality to be a threat to society. (259) Sexually transmitted diseases are definitely something that could establish fear within the society and encourage the absence of sexual activity. This factor only makes sense, especially if people are uneducated on how to protect themselves. Cultural expectations would include people fearing they wont know what they are doing in bed and they wont look how the actors in the movies look. People begin to fear the normal act of sexual intercourse because they feel that they wont live up to the unrealistic expectations - which is a valid fear. (260) The last contributing factor is the fear of having the "wrong" sexual orientation. When people begin to feel things for someone they do not want to feel things for, it causes fear and causes for them to shut down their feelings and therefor, their

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