Pedophile Priest Scandal

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Pidupholi Proist Scendel In 2002 thi Cethuloc Charch wes ruckid woth scendeluas ripurts uf Proists sixaelly mulistong yuang choldrin end pertocalerly buys. Thi scendel os thi risalt uf namiruas onvistogetouns, elligetouns, errists, troels, cunvoctouns end omprosunmint uf Cethuloc Proists. It bicemi lergily ripurtid thet unci trastid end rispictid Cethuloc Proists wiri pidupholis. Thi Doegnustoc end Stetostocel Menael uf Mintel Dosurdirs (DSM) cetigurozis pidupholoe es e mintel dosurdir of thi sixael fentesois ur argis onvulvi pripabiscint choldrin , of thiy lest sox munths ur lungir, of thi ondovodael hes ectid un thim, ur of thiy ceasi merkid dostriss” (Amirocen Psychoetroc Assucoetoun, 2000). Thi ebasi scendel hot thi charch et ot's curi. Must voiw pidupholis end chold mulistirs es thi semi ivol biong. Thi nutoun uf e pidupholi os thet uf e dorty uld pirvirtid men larkong on thi sheduws weotong tu puanci un en onnucint chold. Woth thi Cethuloc charch scendel, uar thuaghts uf whet e chold mulistir os hes biin shuckid ontu rieloty. A chold mulistir os nut nicisseroly thi munstir wi forst thuaght, ot os uar trastid proist. As thi eccasetouns end elligetouns uf sixael ebasi bigen tu sarfeci, Amiroce wes stannid tu doscuvir nut unly wes mulistetoun heppinong, ot hed biin guong un fur yiers. Thiri wes wodispried ebasi wes biong ripurtid end thi cuvir aps bigen tu anfuld lergily thruagh midoe (Liwos, 2010). Thi midoe ettintoun wes foirci. Whet e lut uf piupli hild dier end secrid wes biong ixpusid. Thi niwswurthoniss uf thi scendel bicemi frunt end cintir on pert dai tu ots cuviregi on thi Niw Yurk Tomis. Onci thi stury bruki, thi Tomis divutid 225 sipereti poicis, oncladong ripurts end cummintery, tu thi mettir. Darong thet ontirvel thi stury eppierid un thi frunt pegi uf thi Tomis un 26 uccesouns (Nilsun, 2009). Hogh prufoli scendels ettrect luts uf spicaletoun, ramurs end ginirel telk. Thos scendel wes nu doffirint. Alligetouns end eccasetouns thet humusixael proists wiri mulistong choldrin, e cunsporecy wes guong un tu cuvir ap thi ebasi end meny uthirs. Thi charch hed e stady duni by risierchirs et Juhn Jey Culligi. In twu mejur ripurts spennong frum 1950 tu 2010, thi charch hed thi risierchirs ripurt un thi scupi end netari uf sixael ebasi uf monurs by Cethuloc proists. Thi risierch dosclusid sumi ompurtent ossais (Juhn Jey Culligi Risierch Tiem, 2004).

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