Pedigree Breeding Is Ethical

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Pedigree Breeding is Unethical “The health problems affecting pedigree dogs are so extreme that a fifth of vets believe certain breeds should be banned altogether.” (Copping and Jasper). One of many such breeds is the pug. It is bred, as most dogs are, for appearance not health. Its squashed-face causes many problems for the dog. These pedigree dogs are also extremely expensive and sought after creating even more issues when new commercial breeders become involved in a potentially explosive market. Pedigree breeding is unethical due to the inherent health problems associated with qualifications required for breed integrity, rules required for show-quality dogs, and over breeding that occurs due to breed popularity. Breed integrity …show more content…

Many of these breeders are not well versed in how to ensure the breed is pure. Many genetic diseases must be tested for in the dam and sire so they are not carried through future generations. Grace, my Yorkshire Terrier, for instance has a now-uncorrectable disease called Legg-Calvé-Perthes. When she was a puppy my family and I did not realize the disease existed so had no reason to have her leg and hip x-rayed. Although the reasons for the condition are unknown, it is commonly seen in miniature or toy breeds such as the Yorkshire and believed to be genetically based in Manchester Terriers (Clay). Legg-Calvé-Perthes is the disintegration of the head of the femur bone in the hind leg and if caught early enough, can be fixed with corrective surgery. I do not have a lineage tree on Grace because we bought her from a kennel-breeder. We later learned the breeder was unreputable. The breeder did not look at Grace’s lineage to find diseases or other undesirable traits. Since we were ignorant of this information and thought we had merely received an amazing deal on an extremely expensive dog Grace now has a lame leg. She tucks the leg up under her body when she walks or runs. While my dog has a happy life and does not realize she has a crippled leg, she could have lived with four legs on the ground if her pedigree was

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