Paw Narration Essay

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For anyone with interest in the issue of Origin, the biblical Genesis creation story acts as a framework upon which all arguments are based. The creation theorem as is referred by most theologists has been subject to heated arguments between the believers of the “Six Day creation analogy” and the “Scientific materialists.” Today most understanding of the creation theorem begins with the development of modern day geology of the 19th century along with the demands of an old earth .
Most of the creation theorem is based hugely on the biblical Genesis that the world was created in under a week more than 6000 years ago and that no any other interpretations outside the framework of the biblical accord are valid for those who hope to seek the divinity of God’s kingdom. They further …show more content…

One such is the waw consecutive used. Though it may pose as poetic literature, it does not appear as a defining trait of the Hebrews poetry even though it is an important part of the historical Hebrew narrative that accounts as sequence element. For instance, in the book of Genesis, waw consecutive appears to have been used 2,107 times with an approximate distribution of 42 times a chapter
Use of waw consecutive in the book of Genesis is expected for historical books such as the Genesis, in a way authors of Genesis preserved for past tense hence the use of waw consecutive in the book of genesis denoted historical narration of the story. If creation narration was not to be in past tense why then were there application of grammatical forms predominantly in past tense. However, the fact that waw consecutive has been used consistently in the book of genesis does not show any form a systematic sequence but rather its used as preterit in the creation

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