Paths of Glory, by Stanley Kubrick

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Paths of Glory, by Stanley Kubrick

The movie Paths of Glory, directed by Stanley Kubrick, dealt with the

harsh conditions in the trenches during WWI. In the movie several

fighters were persecuted for pulling back during an impossible attack.

The movie tactfully questioned the authority of superior officers. The

way the hierarchy in the army is depicted in the film made me question

the integrity of the unit. I was perplexed by the concept that one

person could have so much power over another. The movie diplomatically

handled the plot by showing different aspects of an officer’s life.

One of the aspects of the movie which brought to life the emotional

trauma of the war was the use of music and instruments.

The very beginning of the movie was filled with the use of drums. This

symbolized the terror and complexity of the subject matter. It did

this through the deep and vibrant sounds; the deep sounds depicted the

feelings of the soldiers as they were confused as to what to do in the

situation they faced. They had to move b...

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