Passion or Money? That is the Question

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A person walks by. Completely average, completely not worth paying attention to, but they walk by. They could have been famous from inventing the ‘next great thing’ but instead nobody knows their face from another, because the person walking never did complete their passion, and everyone just keeps going throughout their day, never realizing the potential in one another. That person could have been following their passion in their work, and they would have had been everything that is desirable in this earthly world, but instead of chasing their dreams- what they called a fantasy- that individual settled for the perfect life of mediocrity. That individual ended up desiring more from their day job, they ended up wondering what life would have been like if they had chosen a different path. That individual ended up regretting the path that they had chosen, a path of a career with no future happiness.
This is what happens to people who do not chase their passion. And unfortunately in America, the land of opportunity, this is eighty percent of the population (Dinsmore, 2012). This phenomenon is a disappointing one. America is supposed to be the place to go when a person wants a dream and desires it so badly that they have no other choice but to come here. Because here it is possible, in other places, passions are cut down and destroyed for the greater good of their society.
The real question is: why don’t people chase passions. Most people have a passion or dream, and then decide through one way or another not to follow that passion or dream. People don’t chase their dream career for a variety of reasons but people should chase it for a range of positive outcomes. A person should always be on the lookout for their dream...

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