Parvana Text Response

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Parvana – Text Response Essay
Even though Parvana is not allowed to attend school, she has many great “teachers” who help her learn about life and the world. Discuss.
Deborah Ellis’ novel Parvana gives the audience an awareness of how being literate is a struggle in Afghanistan but how experiences, society and the people that surround Parvana can educate one’s mind logically. The story exemplifies the experiences of daily life growing up as a female in a country embroiled with civil war. Parvana may be put in a position where she is unable to obtain a formal education however; this didn’t deter her from being educated about life lessons, maturity and morals. The author intends on sharing with the audience that even though there are many obstacles for Parvana she still …show more content…

Parvana’s father is a great teacher who is not only educated but teaches her how to read and write and the history of her country, “Parvana had grown up with his stories, which made her a very good student in history class.” (p.29) They discuss life before the Taliban, providing Parvana with hope for a better life. The geographical experiences people have, gives Parvana a small knowledge of places outside of war and Afghanistan. These people teach her as she works, “Sometimes they told her of the beautiful mountains or the field of opium poppies blooming into flower, or the orchards heavy with fruit.” (p. 134) Shauzia, Parvana’s friend through the novel, teaches her about geography and shows Parvana new places when they chat together, “’In Pakistan, I head down to the Arabian Sea, get on a boat, and go to France!’” Parvana has exceptional teachers around her who may not have a degree or the occupation of a teacher but, go on to teach her things about life and the geographical landscape that she has never

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