Participatory Design In Interior and Spatial Design

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Participatory design simply means encouraging and producing new social relationships. It is an approach to design attempting to actively involve participants in the design process. Sometimes it is useful in order to help ensure the product designed meets their needs and is usable. The term has been used in many different areas such as; product design, architecture, software design, graphic design… Also it has been used in various scales and different settings (performance of the building, performance of the user, performance of a product…). As a way of creating environments that are more responsive and appropriate to their inhabitants' and users' cultural, emotional, spiritual and practical needs. In participatory design, participants are invited to cooperate with designers, researchers and developers during an innovation process. They participate during several stages of an innovation process: they participate during the initial exploration and problem definition both to help define the problem and to focus ideas for solution, and during development, they help evaluate proposed solutions. For some, this approach has a political dimension of user empowerment and democratization. For others, it is seen as a way of abrogating design responsibility and innovation by designers. Further my essay will continue about how does the participatory design is used, its importance and its relation with interior and spatial design. Also there will be my critical view of different examples of participatory design.

Architectural spatial or interior designs can be participatory or performance-based but in most cases would feature a combination of the two. Although performance is an obvious undertaking in design, participation may no...

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...mentioned areas exemplify the performance requirements and participatory nature of interior and spatial designs. Conversely, the all the associable knowledge areas exemplify the duties and responsibility expected of interior design and spatial design experts.

Above all, the performance and participatory nature shows that spatial design and interior design, as professions, integrates technical knowhow, creativity, and entrepreneurship skills. Moreover, as demonstrated in this writing, performance and participation are upheld as a combination that forms the theoretical context under which spatial and interior designs function. Away from that, space, as a design concern, unites the two types of designs as two similar design undertakings, and this is justifiable even in considering the distinction that may be conceived in relation to geometrical implication on space.

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