Part-Time Indian Mentors

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Some people might believe that one’s success is made from your own abilities, but many people aren’t aware of the other people that contribute to that success. In the novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, Junior faces many obstacles through his life, but through those obstacles, many people help him. Mr. P recognizes Junior’s talent and advises him to make an important decision. His basketball coach learns about the violence that Junior’s tribe conflicts him with, so he pursues to help Junior down the path. Finally, Junior’s most important people in his life, his parents, play an important role involving Junior’s success. Therefore, the three mentors who most contribute to Junior’s development, Mr. P, Junior’s …show more content…

P sees a lot of potential in Junior that he does not see in himself, and tries to convince Junior to understand his talent. For example, Mr. P explains to Junior what his sister has become from staying on the rez for too long: “‘Mary was a bright and shining star,’ Mr. P said. ‘And then she faded year by year until you could barely see her anymore. [...] And you’re a bright and shining star, too,’ he said. “You’re the smartest kid in the school. And I don’t want you to fail. I don’t want you to fade away. You deserve better.’ I didn’t feel smart. ‘I want you to say it,’ Mr. P said. ‘Say what?’ ‘I want you to say that you deserve better.’ I couldn’t say it. It wasn’t true. I mean, I wanted to have it better, but I didn’t deserve it.” (Alexie 40-41) This quotation shows the talent that Mr. P sees in Junior, and does not want Junior’s talent to go to waste like his sister’s. Mr. P wants Junior to understand how much potential he has in his life, but Junior is constantly in disbelief of himself. In addition to that, he also informs Junior about his current education and suggests him to change schools in order to have more hope in the …show more content…

Junior creates a good first impression with Coach which reveals in him pointing out Junior’s strengths as a basketball player. Overall, Coach makes Junior feel welcomed which leads to Junior feeling more confident than before he arrives. In addition to the bond that has been created between them, after the basketball game at Wellpinit, Coach realizes the violence that Junior’s people on Wellpinit conflict on him which result in Coach visiting Junior at the hospital: “‘The quality of a man’s life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of endeavor.’ ‘That’s a good one.’ ‘It’s perfect for you. I’ve never met anybody as committed as you.’ ‘Thanks, Coach.’” (Alexie 148-149) Coach makes Junior feel idolized, and he also motivates Junior by saying he is the most committed person he has ever met. That shows his appreciation for Junior’s courage when faced with adversaries. Since Coach understands Junior’s conditions, he gives him the proper support which creates a strong bond and makes Junior feel welcomed to the varsity

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