Park Creative Writing

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Unfortunately substandard winter days are the opposite of glorious summer days at the park, which makes the walk on the local park no so appealing. The wooden sign was nowhere to be seen due to the overcast, but as I got close I figured it out. It was socking in water unlike last time this made the park look threatening. The roses around had diapered and all that was left was thrones it was like they were never together. It wasn’t the prepossessing scenic place I knew wasn’t, like when I left it with it felt like hell has can down to heaven, this made me feel very disconsolate. There were could of birds tweeting with sorrow, bees had stop buzzing and the butterflies where nowhere to be seen. All I could hear and feel was the gusty wind whistles through the …show more content…

No sound rang out from the shimmering emptiness of the lake. Monastery quiet the idyllic scene took my breath away. Ducks were lined up outside the lake shivering after they had a taste of the icy cold water. This time nature didn’t support them, poor animals never get to be satisfied. The day was illuminated with that special cold, pale light that only winter's Sun could give, and the rain from last night made everything glow, but the pattern of my hope still wasn’t casted. The path with both trees and been glowing of rain there were no leaves to protect me from the rain and the braches and the dehydrated tress where waving for protection against the cold, all that was attempting was puddles. The highlight of my day in summer turned to be the slaughter of my day. Feature down there were aridic smell of the meat people that didn’t clean up as they rush home threating weather a couple of weeks ago. I shattered my teeth as I explored the difference further in the unlike park. I missed all the aroma of the pretty flowers and blossoms that I promise their fragrance. There was nobody energetic in the park, nobody at all that was energetic

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