Parallels In Lord Of The Flies

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Lord of The Flies, by William Golding, is a fictional novel published in 1954. The novel explains the how young boys who are stranded on an island have been exposed to a nature where their actions of___. The interesting part about Golding’s novel is that there are various real world parallels and connections. The antagonist of Lord of the flies, Jack, starts developing a way of thinking and acting that relates to Adolf Hitle's way of thinking and acting. Ralph Said, “Jack’s in charge of the Choir. "(23) Ralph allows Jack to be in charge of the Choir when he loses a vote of who will get to be leader, the same thing happened to Hitler when he lost the election and the German government allowed him to be chancellor instead. This part is very essential because it demonstrates how the. Jack letter says, “We’re strong-we hunt! If there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down! We’ll close in and beat and beat and beat!” (91), At this part of the story Jack has decided to separate from Ralph’s tribe and make his own tribe just as Hitler departed from the German government to make his own. This is important because it shows how man is quick to gain power even if it goes against what is …show more content…

When Ralph and Piggy find a conch, Piggy says, “A conch he called it. He used to blow it and then his mum would come.” One could view this as a subtle hint that Piggy has knowledge. The conch is also a symbol for law and order and Piggy is the person who starts the use of the conch. This parallels to the intelligentsia being smart enough to see the negative effects of Hitler’s rise. Before being killed piggy says, “Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?”(180). chaos on the island is beginning to happen. This is important because like the intelligentsia During stalin’s reign they tried to maintain peace and order but in the end weren’t successful. But with democratic ideas comes justice and

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