Parallel Parking Experience

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As I walked outside I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth so I could watch my breath drift away in the wind. I put the keys into the ignition and twisted them away from me, Grk Grk Groom the car struggled to start due to the frosty weather. My dad sat in the passenger seat of car as I drove down the highway towards the Faribault DMV. On the way there I was review parallel parking in my mind. N I was confident I was going to pass and there was no doubt in my abilities like I had they year before. I pulled the car in to the DMV and shifted the car into park with one smooth movement of my wrist. I walked into the DMV with my head held high and confidence in my stride. I was positive I was going to pass, and I had my fingers crossed for a great photo. …show more content…

When my tester arrived I was finally asked to start the car and pull out of the lot. “Take a right” he said. I turned my turn signal on at made sure to observe the road a few times before crossing traffic. I constantly looked over my shoulders at every street and every side road because I was told the number one reason people fail is because the don’t observe enough. “You can go right at the stop light” he stated in a very monotone voice. The light was green as I approached and turned yellow right when I arrived at the intersection. My nerves instantly changed from calm to panic. “Will the light turn red if I try to go through?” “Do I have enough time to make it?” I thought. I applied pressure on the brake and stopped behind the painted white line. I observed the light again and it was still yellow, I took my foot off the brake and applied even pressure to the gas. I rounded the corner with ease and some of my nerves were

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