Panic Attacks: Awareness And Acceptance (OCD)

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Having a panic attack is different for everyone, but the one thing that is held constant is how scary they can be. These are tips and tricks that I've learned throughout my years of treatment and experience with anxiety and panic attacks. I hope they help!

Awareness and Acceptance (Mindfulness)

This is the newest treatment technique that is being practiced for anxiety and OCD. You need to first acknowledge the anxiety, accept that it's there, and let it go away on it's own. Remember that this anxiety will pass, that you are safe, and that there is nothing wrong with being anxious. Don't force the anxiety to go away, just use tools listed below to help the natural process of it subsiding occur.


Breathing is the best technique for myself and was the go to advise for many of my doctors. When I feel myself starting to hyperventilate I know that's the time to start counting my breaths. I breath in on a four count, and exhale on a four count. …show more content…

This helps relax the body and slow the heart rate. An optional addition to breathing is visualizing. I imagine golden sunlight entering my mouth and spreading through my body and then when I exhale a black smoke comes out of my fingertips and mouth (or nose depending on how you are comfortable breathing....I'm a mouth breather). The black smoke is all the negative energy inside me and the golden sunlight is everything good in the world.

Relax the

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