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Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that inevitably everyone in society will experience at some stage throughout his or her lifespan, and every individuals experience will differ from that of another’s (Mac Lellan, 2006). This maybe due to any number of factors that can affect an individual, such as age, gender, emotional state, culture, or previous encounters with pain (Funnell, Koutoukidis, & Lawrence, 2005). In this reflective assignment I will discuss not only how some of those contributing factors affected a pain episode that I recently experienced. But also how an inability by medical staff to carry out a simple pain assessment and to prescribe and administer adequate pain management impacted on my quality of life. To adequately do this I first need to explain what causes pain, state what the medical profession defines as pain, and describe how untreated pain can affect an individual.

Pain is caused by a stimulation of the sensory nerve endings from a harmful source or stimuli, with inflammation being the primary cause (Harris, Nagy, & Vardaxis, 2006). Symptoms can range from mild to severe, and are categorised as acute or chronic in nature (Harris et al., 2006). Acute pain begins suddenly and tends to be severe, usually lasting less than 6 months in duration (Mac Lellan, 2006). While chronic pain is prolonged persistent pain that last longer then a period of 3-6 months (Mac Lellan, 2006). Pain can also be classified by the site or location of the area affected (Farrell, 2005). Cutaneous pain originates from the skin, and tends to be localised (Funnell et al., 2005). Somatic pain can either be well or poorly localised depending on the area affected, and can originate from bones, mus...

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