Paid Vs Unpaid Work Essay

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Have you ever realized how much gender and ethnicity play a major role in the ways of consumerism and work field? Gender plays a huge part because of the stereotypes that have been created by certain jobs not allowing the opposite sex you influence or even break through. Ethnicity plays a role by the plays certain groups of people settle or live in a city. It all truly revolves around negative stereotypes like the “ghetto” or “slums.” Yet, even over time these terms have become more readily used and divides the people and the settlements of certain groups. Paid versus unpaid work has also played a role in the division of gender and ethnicity. There are several careers that have been affected by the stereotype that they are either a man’s …show more content…

According to Kwan, women who are full time employed women and part-time employed women do a majority of their unpaid work during the work day compared to the average man in the article. The men in the article did their unpaid work before or after work. To restate what unpaid work is taking the kids to school, activity, or errands. On the other hand paid work is the work you do where you receive some type of payment for your services. I would say that I spend a lot of my time doing unpaid work for others. I believe that friendlier you are in life the further you can get and the better relationships you create that people are willing to help you back out. The relationship you have with your household definitely influences the amount of the amount of unpaid work you do. The better relationship or the closer it is the more likely you are willing to do something out of your way to help him or her. The reason people do unpaid work is because its human nature to help one and another out especially in the south. People look out for others and want to see them succeed. However, if do not like said household relationship than the less likely you are to help them. It just depends how much you truly want to help someone and if you are a person willing to do something like

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