PHP Code

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A PHP is a hypertext preprocessor and it is widely used scripting language, which was designed for the purpose of web development for producing dynamic web pages. For this same purpose, a PHP code will beis embedded inside the HTML source document. The web server along with a processor module, which generates web page, will interpret this document. Knowing how to run PHP can be useful for people using the scripting language.

PHP is a general-purpose programming language, a PHP code will be processed by an interpreter application inside the command line. This will be done while performing the desired operation of the operating system and producing a program output from the standard channel of output. PHP can function as the graphical language as well. This PHP is available as a processor for most of the modern web servers and as a standalone interpreter for some of the operating systems and platforms for computing. Knowing how to run PHP can be useful for people using the scripting language.

PHP is a scripting language, which is well suited for the server-side web developers where this PHP will runs on the web server. A PHP code is always executed on the runtime of PHP, for creating dynamic web page content. Sometimes it is used for the command-line scripting and the client side applications for GUI. PHP can be easily deployed on any of the web server, operating systems and platforms and one can use it for managing the relational database system. The PHP group allows to the use of this software for free and will give complete source to the user for building, customizing and extending the language for their own use.

A PHP on the primary level will act as a filter, it will take input from the file or stream the containing text ...

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Tips and Warnings:

• Always remember to back up your .htaccess file before you start making any changes in it.

• You will have to rename the ‘web.htaccess’ file to ‘.htaccess’ after you have uploaded it on the web server.

• If you have an existing file .htaccess then add the new file to this, but always remember that you must not overwrite the existing file or the other settings might stop working. You must always be careful with your .htaccess file and take help from your host if you are facing any problems.

• Anything inside your HTML files, which starts with

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