Howie Mandel is a 58-year-old famous television personality that has worked as a comedian, an actor, and television host. He is most noted for being a host on the show Deal or No Deal and America's Got Talent. What many do not know is that Mandel suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. A person with obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized as someone who tends to have obsessive thoughts that may vary from person to person. These obsessions also tend to be associated with compulsions which are defined as repetitive behaviors (Beidel, Bulik, & Stanley, 2012, p. 131). What makes these behaviors abnormal is its tendency to cause a disturbance in one's life in some form. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type of disease that deals with constant restlessness due to these obsessive thoughts combined with compulsive behavior.
In the case of Mandel, his fear of germs prevents him from taking part in acts that most of the population would not think twice about such as shaking hands. He, instead, must find an alternative to this common behavior which is fist bumping. This is one example of many things that Mandel struggles to do without having anxious thoughts and fears of germs. When he hosted the popular television show Deal Or No Deal, participants were informed previously that he will not be shaking their hands but instead will fist bump due to this disease. Along with this, Mandel refuses to make any contact with hand rails or even money. Most people do not think about germs on the hand rail or money considering we deal with it on a daily basis without causing our lives to halt. For Mandel these thoughts can be weakening because once these thoughts of germs enter his mind they will only accumulate and eventually lead him to ...
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...aid in diminishing these symptoms. By focusing specifically on his fear of germs throughout the treatment, Mandel will learn different ways to stop these thoughts from causing his daily routines to come to a halt.
The DSM-V was very useful in aiding to diagnose Howie Mandel with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The diagnostic criteria listed in the DSM-V for this disease states that obsessions and/or compulsions must be present. In the case of Mandel, both of these aspects are present as mentioned above. Mandel displayed obsessive thoughts concerning germs along with associated obsessions to refrain from contact with germs and compulsions such rechecking locked doors. Another criteria is that these obsessions/compulsions be time consuming which I also discussed above. The several symptoms that Mandel displayed did not seem to fit any other disease listed in the DSM-V.
Gould went on to say that as far as medicine goes that humans have not come up with anything concrete that will cure the disease. Then, Gould states that AIDS is a mechanism that must be fought properly as it will take a considerable amount of time to beat it. I found this to be eye opening as it gives me more perspective on AIDS and even any other process of nature. Which leads me to the conclusion, people cannot ignore the issues around them even if they do not affect them directly. Also, we must all work together when dealing with nature in order to coexist with
Grant successfully managed to treat Mr. G she comes to the realization that a doctor should not judge a patient no matter how they may act, as each patient may have a reason for acting the way they do. Dr. Grant has managed to learn how to combine her own personal experience with her doctoral skills she had learned in medical schools. Dr Grant believes. “ …[A]fter twenty-eight years of schooling, my education continues, both inside and outside the classroom” ( 183). Mr. G was the key figure in changing Dr. Grants judgement. If Mr. G had not shed light onto why he was in the hospital and how he felt stripped of his freedom to Dr. Grant she probably would have just branded him as crazy, she probably would have done the same to similar patients. As Dr. Grant states, “ … I was proud of myself for having accomplished my task… I was proud of myself because I had decided not to prejudge Mr. G” (182). Mr. G exposing his true emotions to Dr. Grant was the reason that she learned that she should not judge unique patients but instead, she should try to communicate with them and better understand so she can better help
In “Life of a Cell,” the author uses rhetoric and figurtic language to reassure peoples fear of disease and to assure them the bodies system is fully capable to attacking anything that would be an issue or illness to itself. He writes about the fear of germs and bacteria; the ineveitibility of germs attacking a cell system. He writes about the many preventions and precautions others take to avoid diseases which metaphorically they “come after them for profit.” Thomas writes this in less scienfitic terms that an average person could comprehend and be assured that their fears are irritaonal to an extent. By using metaphors, similes, personification, and imagery, the reader is reassured that the human body is fully capable of handling diseases.
Through the character Jeevan, mandel is showing us resilience. After days of walking the only thing jeevan is constantly repeating is,“Keep walking.Keep walking. keep walking”(pg.194), even though Jeevan has been walking for more than five days and he is cold,hungry, and alone the only thing he keeps telling himself is to keep walking and don’t stop even though he doesn’t have anybody waiting for him in a specific location or
Howard Stern is a radio personality, producer, actor, author, and is the self proclaimed “King of All Media”. Stern is widely known for “The Howard Stern Show”, which was aired on FM radio from 1986 to 2005, until it moved to Sirius XM Radio in 2006. Stern specific style of “shock jock” radio is what makes him so popular, taking him only four years to get his show nationally syndicated in 1986.
Unger’s obsessive compulsive disorder which has led to depression and attempted suicide. People with obsessive compulsive disorder suffer from unwanted and often intrusive thoughts that they can’t get out of their heads. They are often compelled to repeatedly do tasks in a ritualistic way in an attempt to eliminate their anxiety. They are most often aware that their obsessions or compulsions are irrational; however, they are still powerless to stop them and may spend countless hours doing these tasks over and over. This can and often does interfere with a person’s normal live and may make them less productive and successful at work, school, socially and even with family. If left untreated OCD will eventually interfere with all aspects of a person’s life
It seems so hard for Wormwood to tempt a patient, he can never seem to succeed. Everything always fails for him. “He leaves them to ‘do it on their own’ … They become less dependent on emotion and therefore much harder to tempt.” (Lewis 4).
Conceição do Rosario-Campos, M., Leckman, J. F., Mercadante, M. T., Shavitt, R. G., Prado, H. S., Sada, P., Zamignani, D. & Miguel, E. C. (2001). Adults with early-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 1899-1903.
Obsessive-Compulsive disorder (OCD) - is characterized by persistent, uncontrollable and unwanted feelings or thoughts (obsessions) and routines or rituals (compulsions) in which individuals engage to try to prevent or rid themselves of these thoughts. In example of common compulsions include washing hands or cleaning repeatedly for fear of germs.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder has been classified as a type of anxiety disorder under DSM-5, in which there is a presence of obsessions, compulsions or both. Obsessions are defined as “intrusive and mostly nonsensical thoughts, images, or urges that the individual tries to resist or eliminate,” while compulsion are the thought or actions that accompany these obsessions to try to suppress and provide relief. (TEXTBOOK) The obsessions are categorized into four major types, and each is linked with a certain pattern of compulsive behaviors.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a disease that afflicts up to six million Americans, however all its characteristics are yet to be fully understood. Its causes, triggers, attributes, and variations are still unknown although effective medicines exist to treat the symptoms. OCD is a very peculiar disease as Rapoport discusses it comes in many different forms and have different symptoms yet have many similarities. One sure aspect is that it appears, or at least its symptoms do, out of the blue and is triggered either by stressful experiences or, most of the time, just appears out of nowhere. One example is a boy who's father was hard on him for being affected by the worlds "modern ways", the boy at a high school party tries LSD ( a hallucinatory drug), after that thoughts of whether his mind was dangerously affected by the drug. What seemed like completely appropriate worrying and anxiety turned into attacks of anxiety, he couldn't shake the thoughts that something was wrong with his mind. Essentially he had "his mind on his mind" constantly and that haunted his days his thought were as follows: " did the lsd do anything to my mind? The thought never went away ; instead it got more and more complicated. There must be something wrong with my mind if i am spending so much time worrying about it. Is there something wrong with my mind? Was this from the lsd? Will it ever get better?" (The boy who, J. L. Rapoport 125,126) Dr. Rapoport promptly put him on Anafranil (an anti-depressant, used for OCD, not marketed in the U.
Freud developed his theory from interactions with his neurotic patients and his own psychological experiences. He classifies an obsessional neurotic is classified as one who if “aware of impulses in [himself] which appear very strange,” is “led to actions, the performance of which, give him no enjoyment, but which it is quite impossible for [him] to omit” (Freud Abstracts 2). In Frankenstein’s ...
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is the most common anxiety disorder plaguing two to three percent of people (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). Living with obsessive-compulsive disorder can affect an individual in many ways emotionally and physically. In the movie Matchstick Men the main character depicts the hardships of obsessive-compulsive disorder and how they can affect an individual’s life.
Howard Hughes fulfills the DSM 5 criteria for OCD: The obsessions are repetitive and he tries unsuccessfully to repress his urges. His behaviors are compulsive and serve to reduce his anxiety. The obsessions and compulsions are time consuming. Additionally, they “are not attributable the physiological effects of a substance or other another medical condition” and “the disturbance is not better explained by the symptoms of another mental disorder” (Butcher et al., 2014, p.195). He also has symptoms that are characteristic of other disorders, such as bipolar I disorder and schizophrenia. He has bursts of energy and feels as though he could accomplish anything. He also claims that he can actually see the germs on his hands or faucets. The manic episodes and visual hallucinations are not DSM 5 criteria for OCD, rather they are symptoms of bipolar I disorder and schizophrenia respectively (Butcher et al., 2014, p.241, p.448). Therefore it is possible that Howard could have had OCD comorbid with bipolar I disorder with psychotic
... his hopefulness and mood. R.M. strives for a positive outlook each day with his wife by his side and noted that coping mechanisms are important to help his healing process.