Overcoming Obstacles in Early Parenthood

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Chapter 11: What were some of the biggest obstacles you had to overcome when first becoming parents? One of the biggest adjustments my parents had to make when welcoming their first child (my sister) was dealing with a flood. Right as my sister was born my parents had to deal with packing up everything they could salvage and trying to move two hours away into a new house. On top of dealing with a baby, a flood, and moving they definitely had role overloads. My mom is a teacher and thankfully was on summer break at the beginning of this trying time. However, my dad did still had to maintain a job during all of the chaos. So my parents had many direct costs involving a new house, a baby, all new furniture, and having to maintain the essentials …show more content…

My mom has always been the type of parent to mold towards that particular child’s needs. On the other hand, my father never really changed his style on parenting. My mom would be classified as an authoritative parent. She’s always been very involved in all three of her children’s lives. She’s very much about trying to teach her kid’s lessons as they go through life. She wants us all to be very responsible, mature, use common sense, and to be independent. She will most certainly step in on any situation where she feels like she can insert her thoughts. My mom has always been a lecturer as well. Regardless of the situation my mom will see it as an opportunity to lecture or as she likes to think as educating us on why to do or not to do whatever we did again. My dad on the other hand was without a doubt used an authoritarian parenting style. His father used the stern do what you’re told mechanisms with him so it somewhat just transferred over to him. Social learning theory definitely played a role in my father’s parenting style towards his children. My parents may have had two different parenting styles, but it kept us all in line. The children respected our parents due to their control over us that they made known whenever they needed to. They used what worked, and what they knew us to make us turn out as self-individuated as we each could have possibly …show more content…

However, my parents have both lost at least one family member. My mom has lost both of her parents, one when I was a baby and one about ten years ago. My dad lost his mother a very long time ago. Both of my parents lost their mothers due to different types diseases. My mom’s mother died from lung cancer from smoking cigarettes most of her life. My dad lost his mother due to an alcohol addiction from cirrhosis of the liver. At this point they both have their own healing theories because they lost a family member that played such a large role in their

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