Overcoming Adversity Is An Obstacle In My Life

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Chapter 1 Train your mind to see good in all situations. As I begin I would like to take a brief moment to ask you a question that I usually ask when I’m speaking on the topic of overcoming adversity, and bouncing back from everyday setbacks. As I ask you this question I would like you to really ponder it. Even if it calls for you to step away from this book for a short while, and go into a quiet place where you can reflect over your life experiences, and come up with a solid answer to the question. My question to you is what do you consider an obstacle? What defines adversity to you? Too many of us it could be a minor setback, to a dramatic life changing experience. Maybe you, or someone you know is suffering from a life-threatening illness. …show more content…

Only to find out that that would be your last day of work at this job because you were being laid off. These are some of the things that some people would say are the sad truth’s of life. IF you missed it I did say some people. That’s because I happen to be one of those people that don’t look at setbacks like that. I see them as opportunities of growth. I can go on, and on with the answers and analogies on this subject. That’s because obstacles come in all shapes, and forms. Obstacles are not color-coded, adversity doesn’t only look for a specific type of person. Everyone is fair game, and everyone will experience adversity in their due time. I like to think about my favorite motivational speaker Mr. Les Brown. I love when he says that Murphy’s Law Will pay you a visit weather you want him to or not. It’s a very true statement. Things will happen within your life that you have no control over. You will not always be prepared for adversity when it strikes. Think about how a natural disaster can sweep through a town or city with no warning signals. True enough Natural disasters do cause a lot of damage. But how does the City look a few years …show more content…

True enough we all have one thing in common and that is that we are human beings. However we are made up of our own genetic structures. This brings upon different beliefs different personalities along with different trials and tribulations that we will all have to encounter to throughout life. Living life in modern day society is going to send you in all types of directions on a daily basis. Life is so unpredictable and you will encounter obstacles and Adversity whether you want to or not. But do you know why? That is because obstacles are part of life. Honestly without them what would life really be like? In my opinion it will be pretty bland and flavorless. It will be like eating fresh batch of chili with no seasoning. If life was all peaches and cream with no trials and tribulations how will we grow through life mentally and even in some aspects physically? Would we have common sense? My personal believes about common sense is that it can’t be taught is something that you have to learn on your own. And obstacles provide opportunities to increase your levels of common

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