Over-Crowded School Systems

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Over-Crowded School Systems

Nobody likes being uncomfortable. It is very hard to achieve things, as well, when one is uncomfortable. Students in overcrowded schools, public schools especially, have this major problem. The school systems today are being overfilled with students, and nobody is ready or expecting it all. As students are being jammed into these schools, they are getting detention after detention for being late to class, they’re not doing as well as possible on assignments, and the teachers are having more stressful days. The 2000 Census shows that the population of my hometown, Stafford, Virginia, is said to be 104,823 people (Stafford). It is also stated that of that population, 19,000 are students, and 5,378 of those are in the high schools (Simply Fredericksburg). Data also shows that in the year 2003, there is said to be 24,968 students, and then in 2004, they estimate that 26,252 students will be there (Virginia Statistical Abstract). Such an increase proves that overpopulation in schools is a major concern. Overcrowded public schools are definitely a problem.

In each school zone, the population is rapidly increasing. Students are growing by the handful and are being crammed into the schools that already exist. A family moves here, a student switches schools to there, and before you know it, a school’s population has increased by a hundred or so kids. The classrooms are not big enough to hold but a certain amount of people, but it seems as if the limit is being stretched more and more each year because of the increased amount of students. The classrooms get more cramped and there is less room to move around. The students then are more concerned about getting their own space and feeli...

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...t of difference. If more schools were built, the students would then not be as uncomfortable, not as crammed into classrooms or hallways, and they would have the ability to get better grades and improve their GPAs. The teachers would also have more time in class to spend with the students, explain more to them, get more things covered, and become not as stressed or aggravated. Overcrowded school systems is a major problem these days, and something really does have to be done about it.

Works Cited

“Adjusted Pass Rates- High School”. Virginia Department of Education. 17 August 1999 <http://www.pen.k12.va.us/sol99/high.html>

“County of Stafford, Virginia”. <http://co.stafford.va.us/snapshot.htm>

“Simply Fredericksburg”. Simply Web Services & Simply Fredericksburg. 5 May 1999


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