Outbreak Of Ww2 Essay

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The outbreak of World War 2 (1939) steamed from many reasons such as Britain and Frances appeasement policy (1930), which benefited Hitler’s Nazi Germany to take advantage and disregard the T.O.V known as the ‘diktat’ which was signed by the ‘November Criminals’ post the ed of World War One (1914-1918). Firstly, the T.O.V stated that Germany’s army was to be restricted to 100 000 men and its navy to six battleships. Although Germany requested the restriction to be lifted in the ‘World disarmament Conference’ in 1932, the demand was denied. Against the policies set out by the T.O.V, Germany defied the agreement, in 1933 and 1934 secretly rearmed, and built up the Germany’s military. By 1935 the German Army stood at 300 000 men and 2500 planes, this was a direct violation to the T.O.V. …show more content…

Secondly, after becoming Furher in 1934, Hitler rebelled against the terms signed in the T.O.V by re-militarising Rhineland, which was promised to be demilitarised, creating a natural barrier between Germany and France. On the 7th of March 1936, Hitler marched into the Rhineland with 22000 troops but France ignored this as France was going through an election and refused to oppose Hitler without Britain but Britain’s military was week. Hitler did this as a test nation’s enforcement of the T.O.V and this resulted in the gained knowledge of the lack of enforcement of the T.O.V by the nations. Furthermore, seeing the success in other aspects of overriding the T.O.V, with intention of make Germany greater, Hitler seek for all German-speaking people to join forces, this resulted the unification with

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