Othello's Vulnerabilities

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How an individual’s insecurities and weaknesses can dictate their actions

A manipulative individual’s actions are almost always defined by their experiences and struggles they have encountered; their innate tendency to control and seek approval from others, is an example. In the texts, Animal Farm by George Orwell and Othello by William Shakespeare, the central characters find themselves in situations where they result in manipulation to validate their own internal conflict and insecurities. The authors demonstrate that to truly deceive others: the characters must have an understanding of their target’s vulnerabilities, an understanding of the outside influences in the environment, and the ability to simulate fake relationships with their targets.
The understanding of vulnerability is very important in the two texts. In Animal Farm, Squealer plays a crucial role in creating and projecting propaganda in order to establish a positive image of the pigs, and the …show more content…

He exhibits a single-minded goal of ‘serving only himself’, whereas Squealer often serves on behalf of the pigs. This often results in Iago taking advantage of his target’s vulnerabilities, for example Cassio’s: “If I can fasten but one cup upon him/ With that which he hath drunk tonight already/ He'll be as full of quarrel and offense/ As my young mistress' dog” (2.3.49-52). This situation proves Iago’s strength in manipulation. Cassio is a bit more challenging to manipulate due to his good reputation; however, Iago’s knowledge of Cassio’s weakness of alcohol is what leads to a successful deception. Iago’s initial conflict with Othello (overlooking his position of lieutenant) leads him to seek compensation for his vulnerabilities and results in him creating tyrannous deceptions. In essence, Squealer and Iago’s vulnerabilities allow them to gain a greater understanding of their targets to successfully deceive

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