Ordinary Negligence

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Question 1. What is the difference between ordinary (simple) negligence and gross negligence on the part of a financial statement auditor? How does gross negligence (constructive fraud) differ from fraud? Ordinary (Simple) Negligence Ordinary negligence is the “violation of legal duty to exercise a degree of care that an ordinary prudent [CPA] would exercise under similar circumstances.” On part of a financial statement auditor, ordinary negligence can be defined as a CPA failing to exercise due professional care whether or not it results in a material mistatement. (McGraw Hill Education, 2010) Gross Negligence Gross negligence is more severe than ordinary negligence. It is the “lack of even slight care, indicative of a reckless disregard …show more content…

E&Y failed to verify Bill Owen’s suggestion that Michael Vines was motivated to retaliate against HealthSouth because he was a disgruntled employee fired for sexual misconduct. E&Y never reviewed his personnel record and did not exhaust the options available to contact him directly. This represents a lack of due diligence on behalf of the audit team to classify these allegations as unfounded. 2. E&Y assumed they had enough knowledge of the fraud alleged by Michael Vines based exclusively on his email. They should have contacted him to discover exactly where the fraud was occurring. Their audit plan to address the allegations was consistent with E&Y’s standard operating procedure which HealthSouth’s accounting team was proficient at evading. 3. E&Y was very interested in performing highly profitable “pristine audits” for HealthSouth. These “audits” a various other services provided by E&Y could be classified as non-audit related services and stand to violate the independence of the firm. This is in violation of GAAS – General …show more content…

It is evident transactions were tested and these line items are accounting concerns that arose. Item 10 does raise concern, “What are the plans for the Orlando trip?” Is this E&Y auditor planning to take a vacation with Bill Owens? If so, I fear independence is lacking. Documents 2-7 – Journal Entries Capitalizing Expenses under $5,000 These are major red flags that should have been discovered by E&Y. So many of these transactions going unnoticed is a clear point of negligence on E&Y’s behalf. Audit planning was not thorough and controls were relied upon too heavily. Documents 8-10 – The Fleeced Shareholder’s Anonymous Letter and Resolution This document brings to light several of HealthSouth’s fraudulent schemes. It was allegedly taken seriously per the E&Y panel that testified in the C-SPAN video, but an independent and objective investigation was not performed to the level it should have been. Much of the work was deferred to HealthSouth who then manufactured documents and justifications for each of the fleeced shareholder’s allegations. This is a clear lack of due diligence on E&Y’s behalf that is evident of ordinary negligence. The audit team placed trusted the HealthSouth accounting team, after all any were former E&Y

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