In clinical experience, it is seen that many patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are on mechanical ventilation. These patients range from having head trauma, heart surgery and respiratory problems yet there is no clear, concise systematic standard oral care procedures noted on the different floors in the hospital. Oral care is a basic nursing care activity that can provide relief, comfort and prevention of microbial growth yet is given low priority when compared to other critical practices in critically ill patients. The Center for Disease Control reveals that Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) is the second most common nosocomial infection that affects approximately 27% of critically ill patients (Koeman, Van der Ven & Hak, 2006). The purpose of this paper is to explore Lewin’s change theory in the clinical setting by implementing standard oral care on preventing VAP thereby improving patient care.
According to the American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Ventilator-associated Pneumonia results in high mortality rates, increases the number of mechanical ventilation days, increases the number of additional days in the hospital and critical care by 4-9days and costs approximately $40,000 per VAP case (Ames, Sulima, Yates, McCullagh, Gollins, Soeken, Wallen, 2011). Munro, Grap, Jones and McClish & Sessler conducted a study in 2009 which collected data on oral interventions reported by nurses, the frequency and the documentation and found that despite the evidence that sponge toothettes are ineffective in plaque removal it remained the primary tool for oral care in intubated patients whereas the use of toothbrushes were used more in non-intubated patients. It was also found that nurses reported frequent oral care, y...
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...J., McCurren, C., Carrico, R. (2004) Factors Affecting Quality of Oral Care in Intensive Care Units. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(5), 454-462.
Institure for Healthcare Improvement (2011). Implement the IHI Ventilator Bundle. Retrieved
Koeman, M., Van der Ven, A., Hak, E. (2006). Oral Decontamination with Chlorhexidine Reduces the Incidence of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 173, 1348-1355.
Munro, C.L., Grap, M.J., Jones, D.J., McClish, D.K, Sessler, C.N. (2009). Chlorhexidine, toothbrushing and preventing Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Critically Ill Patients. American Journal of Critical Care, 18(5), 428-437.
Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2010). Leading and managing in nursing. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby, Inc.
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) is a very common hospital acquired infection, especially in pediatric intensive care units, ranking as the second most common (Foglia, Meier, & Elward, 2007). It is defined as pneumonia that develops 48 hours or more after mechanical ventilation begins. A VAP is diagnosed when new or increase infiltrate shows on chest radiograph and two or more of the following, a fever of >38.3C, leukocytosis of >12x10 9 /mL, and purulent tracheobronchial secretions (Koenig & Truwit, 2006). VAP occurs when the lower respiratory tract that is sterile is introduced microorganisms are introduced to the lower respiratory tract and parenchyma of the lung by aspiration of secretions, migration of aerodigestive tract, or by contaminated equipment or medications (Amanullah & Posner, 2013). VAP occurs in approximately 22.7% of patients who are receiving mechanical ventilation in PICUs (Tablan, Anderson, Besser, Bridges, & Hajjeh, 2004). The outcomes of VAP are not beneficial for the patient or healthcare organization. VAP adds to increase healthcare cost per episode of between $30,000 and $40,000 (Foglia et al., 2007) (Craven & Hjalmarson, 2010). This infection is also associated with increase length of stay, morbidity and high crude mortality rates of 20-50% (Foglia et al., 2007)(Craven & Hjalmarson, 2010). Currently, the PICU has implemented all of the parts of the VARI bundle except the daily discussion of readiness to extubate. The VARI bundle currently includes, head of the bed greater then or equal to 30 degrees, use oral antiseptic (chlorhexidine) each morning, mouth care every 2 hours, etc. In the PICU at children’s, the rates for VAP have decreased since the implementation of safety ro...
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) remains to be a common and potentially serious complication of ventilator care often confronted within an intensive care unit (ICU). Ventilated and intubated patients present ICU physicians, nurses, and respiratory therapists with the unique challenge to integrate evidence-informed practices surrounding the delivery of high quality care that will decrease its occurrence and frequency. Mechanical intubation negates effective cough reflexes and hampers mucociliary clearance of secretions, which cause leakage and microaspiration of virulent bacteria into the lungs. VAP is the most frequent cause of nosocomial infections and occurs within 48 hours of intubation. VAP is a major health care burden with its increased morbidity, mortality, longer ventilator days and hospital stay, and escalating health care cost.
The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) was used to find peer-reviewed articles, using query terms such as: aspiration pneumonia, ventilator, and prevention. In addition, the TWUniversal search engine was utilized to find peer-reviewed articles, with the key words: aspiration pneumonia, ventilator, and enteral.
As an ICU nurse I constantly watch how patients develop pressure ulcers, a pressure ulcer is an area of skin that breaks down due to having constant friction and pressure, also from having limited movement and being in the same position over a prolonged period of time. Pressure Ulcers commonly occur in the buttocks, elbows, knees, back, shoulders, hips, heels, back of head, ankles and any other area with bony prominences. According to Cox, J. (2011) “Pressure ulcers are one of the most underrated conditions in critically ill patients. Despite the introduction of clinical practice guidelines and advances in medical technology, the prevalence of pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients continues to escalate” (p. 364). Patients with critical conditions have many factors that affect their mobility and therefore predispose them to developing pressure ulcers. This issue is significant to the nursing practice because nurses are the main care givers of these patients and are the ones responsible for the prevention of pressure ulcers in patients. Nurses should be aware of the tools and resources available and know the different techniques in providing care for the prevention of such. The purpose of this paper is to identify possible research questions that relate to the development of pressure ulcers in ICU patients and in the end generate a research question using the PICO model. “The PICO framework and its variations were developed to answer health related questions” (Davies, K., 2011).
The many concepts are very complex and have many dimensions. Concepts developed by Leininger, Watson, Gaut, Benner and Wrubel, Ihde, and many more were discussed and how they relate to ICU nurses and their caring practices. It is stressed in this article that ICU nurses have an important role of making sure they have insight into their specific behaviors so that nursing practices can be developed. Once these nursing practices are developed, ICU nurses can successfully care for their critically ill patients. Wilkin (2003) claims that caring is a, “dual component of attitudes/values and activities, which create an ongoing challenge for the ICU nurses” (p.
Quality improvement issues in healthcare focus on the care that patients receive and the outcomes that patients experience. Nurses play a major advocacy role for ensuring safe and quality care to all patients. Also, nurses share the responsibility in leading the efforts in improving patient care in all settings (Berwick, 2002). One of the ongoing problems plaguing hospitals and nursing homes is the development of new pressure ulcers in patients after admission. A pressure ulcer can be defined as a localized area of necrotic tissue that is likely to occur after soft tissue is compressed between a bony prominence and a surface for prolonged periods of time (Andrychuk, 1998). According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, patients should never develop pressure ulcers while under the supervision of any medical institution because they are totally preventable (Berwick, 2002). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the problems associated with pressure ulcers, examine the progress on improving this specific issue, and explain the Plan, Do, Study, Act cycle that I would use to improve patient care in this area.
Hospital-acquired infections (HAI) are preventable and pose a threat to hospitals and patients; increasing the cost, nominally and physically, for both. Pneumonia makes up approximately 15% of all HAI and is the leading cause of nosocomial deaths. Pneumonia is most frequently caused by bacterial microorganisms reaching the lungs by way of aspiration, inhalation or the hematogenous spread of a primary infection. There are two categories of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP); Health-Care Associated Pneumonia (HCAP) and Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).
This literature review will analyze and critically explore four studies that have been conducted on hand hygiene compliance rates by Healthcare workers (HCWs). Firstly, it will look at compliance rates for HCWs in the intensive care units (ICU) and then explore the different factors that contribute to low hand hygiene compliance. Hospital Acquired infections (HAI) or Nosocomial Infections appear worldwide, affecting both developed and poor countries. HAIs represent a major source of morbidity and mortality, especially for patients in the ICU (Hugonnet, Perneger, & Pittet, 2002). Hand hygiene can be defined as any method that destroys or removes microorganisms on hands (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009). According to the World Health Organization (2002), a HAI can be defined as an infection occurring in a patient in a hospital or other health care facility in whom the infection was not present or incubating at the time of admission. The hands of HCWs transmit majority of the endemic infections. As
Smeltzer, S. C., Bare, B. G., Hinkle, J. L., & Cheever, K. H. (2010). Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing (12th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
The systematic review; Interventions to improve hand hygiene compliance in patient care, conducted by the Cochrane Collaboration investigated inventions to improve hand hygiene compliance within patient care. The review included 2 original studies with an additional two new studies (Gould & Moralejo et al., 2010). Throughout the review it was affirmed that among hand hygiene is an indispensable method in the prevention of hospital-acquired infections (HAI), the compliance among nurses’ is inadequate. Nurses are identified within the public as dependable and trustworthy in a time of vulnerability due to their specialised education and skills (Hughes, 2008). Thus, it is imperative that evidence based practice is cond...
Rautemaa, R., Nordberg, A., Wuolijoki-Saaristo, K., & Meurman, J. (2006). Bacterial Aerosols in Dental Practice - a Potential Hospital Infection Problem? Journal of Hospital Infection, 64(1), 67-81.
(2014) shed light on two key components for infection control, which includes protecting patients from acquiring infections and protecting health care workers from becoming infected (Curchoe et al., 2014). The techniques that are used to protect patients also provide protection for nurses and other health care workers alike. In order to prevent the spread of infections, it is important for health care workers to be meticulous and attentive when providing care to already vulnerable patients (Curchoe et al., 2014). If a health care worker is aware they may contaminate the surroundings of a patient, they must properly clean, disinfect, and sterilize any contaminated objects in order to reduce or eliminate microorganisms (Curchoe et al., 2014). It is also ideal to change gloves after contact with contaminated secretions and before leaving a patient’s room (Curchoe, 2014). Research suggests that due to standard precaution, gloves must be worn as a single-use item for each invasive procedure, contact with sterile sites, and non-intact skin or mucous membranes (Curchoe et al., 2014). Hence, it is critical that health care workers change gloves during any activity that has been assessed as carrying a risk of exposure to body substances, secretions, excretions, and blood (Curchoe et al.,
Secondary:Curtis, L. (2008). Prevention of hospital-acquired infections: review of non-pharmacological interventions. Journal of Hospital Infection, 69(3), 204-219. Revised 01/20
“Researchers in London estimate that if everyone routinely washed their hands, a million deaths a year could be prevented” (“Hygiene Fast Facts”, 2013, p. 1). Hands are the number one mode of transmission of pathogens. Hands are also vital in patient interaction, and therefore should be kept clean to protect the safety of patients and the person caring for the patient. Hand hygiene is imperative to professional nursing practice because it prevents the spread of pathogens, decreases chances of hospital-acquired infections, and promotes patient safety. There is a substantial amount of evidence that shows why hand hygiene is important in healthcare
Grossbach, I., Stranberg, S., & Chlan, L. (2011). Promoting Effective Communication for Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation. Critical Care Nurse, 31(3), 46-61. doi: 10.4037/ccn2010728