Opposing Views On The Role Of Revenge In Our Society

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Revenge has been a popular means of righting a wrong or a perceived wrong over the course of history. Revenge defines the act of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands. The injury or wrong suffered at the hands of another person may be real or perceived, but the action in response, revenge, can be very real. The act of revenge may be viewed differently by different populations, some view it as necessary to maintain order in society, while others view it as barbaric. The opposing views on the place of revenge in society can be attributed to a difference of values in society. People who encourage revenge feel empowered when they get elicit revenge on a person who may have wronged them. Those who renounce …show more content…

Shakespeare, as a critic of revenge, has showcased by his play, his opinion. He wrote about the bad fortune brought to one who looks for revenge and the foolishness of one who seeks revenge. Revenge rears its way into every society in existence. Prevalent in the United States when slavery still existed, an escaped slave could be punished based on revenge, not logic. Revenge has never involved rational thinking and, for this reason, remains renounced by many over the course of history. According to writing of Shakespeare, in the play, "the Winter's Tale", the notion of revenge is condemned, inherent with the author's humanistic message. As such, when compared to the writings of the more modern American essayist, Mark Twain in his work "The Lowest Animal", the reader sees the obvious relationships and commonalities on these topics in regards to Shakespeare's presentation of character, use of conflict, and message in theme; moreover, this reader's view also corresponds more closely to Twain's because he believes that man's foolishness and illogical decisions could only be stopped if man stops

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