Opportunity Gap Perspectives

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a. Traditional Accountable Perspective Explanation: This traditional perspective views the achievement gap as a measurable difference in academic performance among various groups of students. It attributes this gap to differences in the quality of schools, the effectiveness of teachers, and the efforts of students. The perspective suggests that standardized testing and accountability measures can help address these disparities. By focusing on the data from these tests, schools can identify areas for improvement. Teachers and student efforts are crucial as they are considered the two pillars of success in the education system. Quote: "Its very existence — the stubborn divergence in standardized test scores between white students and students …show more content…

b. Opportunity Gap Perspective Explanation: The opportunity gap perspective focuses on the unequal access to resources and opportunities that students face based on factors like their race, socioeconomic status, or neighborhood. It suggests that some students have more chances to succeed in school because they have better access to things like quality teachers, advanced classes, or educational support. This perspective highlights the need to address these disparities by providing all students with equal opportunities to learn and thrive, regardless of their background. Quote: "He said that policymakers would do better to highlight the 'opportunity gap' — the distinctions in wealth, status, and geography that unfairly exclude some populations from good schools." Mahnken, The Achievement Gap has driven education reform for decades. now some are calling it a racist idea 2020). Type of Thinking: Structuralist. Explanation: This view considers the structural inequalities within the education system and society that affect students' access to educational resources and

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