Ophelia And Hamlet Relationship Essay

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In many cases, when there is instability between a child and a parent, that initial relationship dictates the dynamics of a child’s future relationships with others. Shakespeare critiques this idea in his tragedy Hamlet through the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia. Both of these characters’ relationships with their parents are very complex. Hamlet’s father, the King of Denmark, was murdered by his uncle, Claudius, who then married his mother, Gertrude. Hamlet is now living in a world in which he is expected to accept that his uncle and mother are married, also meaning his uncle is the new king. Ophelia is the daughter of Polonius, one of the King’s counselors, and the sister of Laertes. Because Ophelia is surrounded by men, she is always expected to be submissive, while Prince Hamlet is expected to be assume his duties as a royal man, which include being physically and mentally strong and assertive. The …show more content…

Ironically, Hamlet believes the same about Ophelia. Both Laertes and Hamlet believe that sex is dangerous and unvirtuous. Laertes tells Ophelia that even someone pure can be corrupted by sex with their beauty, similarly to what Hamlet believes about beauty. Laertes explains that with youth comes sexual desires, with no temptation needed. He tells Ophelia that fear is the best form of safety, essentially saying that sex should be feared. Shakespeare creates a foil of Hamlet through Laertes to further Ophelia’s inability to be independent. Laertes and Hamlet both believe beauty leads to sex, which is corrupting and should be feared. Creating fear around sex, makes it unnatural and impure. Shakespeare uses Laertes advice as a way to reveal the sexist gender roles that command Ophelia’s life and decisions. He highlights the irony of men telling women how they should feel about sex and their

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